We creatures of the night invite you to come closer as we turn our keys for a blink of time and allow those curious few to peek behind the door.


Join us for a digital maze of dreamscapes, vignettes, odd moments, and alternate universes all explored one door at a time. Once the sun has fully set, doors will begin unlocking at Nine o’clock, promptly closing again at Ten o’clock. Visitors may, at their own will, explore as much or as little of our world as temptation calls for.

Madison performed in Leaking Doors, put on by The Crescent KC. She created her performance “room” alongside Cass Lyons, production and founder of The Crescent KC. There were various other virtual “rooms” for viewers to come and go from at their leisure. These other rooms were created and performed by other artists in the KC metro area.


Behind the scenes “stage” of Madi’s apartment transformed into a theater for the performance. The door on the left is the front door of her apartment, showing how much was switched around in her small apartment for the virtual performance.

Paper mache mask with glitter and glass shards.

Madison made multiple masks for the performance, which she wore and tried on for the performance.

A mask, fully made of candle wax.